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What Are the Four Elements?

Updated: Mar 4

The Elements appear in many spiritual traditions including yoga, chi gong, astrology and shamanism. In this post I am looking from (my own) shamanic perspective. As a shaman I work with four Elements - Fire, Water, Earth, Air. When we talk about Elements in the spiritual sense, this encompasses a wider meaning than purely physical expressions of the natural world. Elements in this context are fundamental forces that affect us in many ways. Usually some will have a stronger bearing on us than others. By bringing awareness to the elements and learning how to work with them, we can live with more balance and harmony. We can overcome challenges and identify opportunities. We can see a path through the apparent chaos, and learn to enjoy the journey along the way.


Fire is a dynamic, active energy. Fire can be creative, and also destructive, with the two often closely related. It is an energy of change, of release, of emotional upheaval. It can move us on from situations we no longer need, sometimes before we feel ready, but if we can embrace Fire's transformative qualities, we will rapidly find ourselves growing and our lives improving. In shamanism, fire also relates to the past. It burns away unwanted material, helping us shed our stories and leaving us lighter than we thought possible.


Water is an adaptable, flowing energy. It can be calm, tranquil, but don't let that fool you; Water is immensely powerful and protective. It shows us when to act, when to wait, when to exert, when to rest. It allows us to tap into great confidence and gives us resources we never new we had. At times we may feel like struggling against the tide as Water sweeps us along. Allow it to guide us however, and that buried treasure beneath the waves reveals itself. In shamanism, Water also relates to the future. It allows us to face our fears, our ghosts of what may happen, and go courageously onwards.


Earth is a stable, rooted energy. It can provide us with endurance and determination. We may face challenges, but Earth helps us stay solid, working steadily towards our goals. It shows us how to break down seemingly impossible tasks into practical parts. Piece by piece, we overcome obstacles and build towards our masterplans. And when we really can't carry on, we make peace with that too. In shamanism Earth also relates to the present. In each and every moment we find a gift, what Eckhart Tolle calls the power of now.


Air is an ethereal, perceptive energy. It allows us to see beyond ourselves, to connect with others and with the great unknown. Air can give us clarity, enable us to see truth and find beauty all around us. It gives us a high perspective, a view on our life journeys and where they can go. Air can feel detached, but follow the winds of change in the right direction and the rewards will lift us high. In shamanism, Air relates to the past, present and future. We might say that it stands outside of time.

Want to know more? I am running a series of introductory shamanic workshops, with the next one themed around Water. Come along on Saturday 23 March, 2-4pm at Experience Light, North Oxford. The workshop will include breathwork and movement related to the Water element, and a deeply relaxing shamanic journey. Head over to our booking page to book your place.


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